whippet at fosdem

Hey all, the video of my FOSDEM talk on Whippet is up:

Slides here, if that’s your thing.

I ended the talk with some puzzling results around generational collection, which prompted yesterday’s post. I don’t have a firm answer yet. Or rather, perhaps for the splay benchmark, it is to be expected that a generational GC is not great; but there are other benchmarks that also show suboptimal throughput in generational configurations. Surely it is some tuning issue; I’ll be looking into it.

Happy hacking!

2 responses

  1. Ty says:

    Is there a mirror of the video? This one pauses to buffer a few times per second for me

  2. wingo says:

    Original video links here: https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-6066-the-whippet-embeddable-garbage-collection-library/

    They probably should have provided lower bitrate transcodings :)

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