posts tagged "guile" (feed)
go put it in a washing machine
brought to you by torres viña sol
allocate, memory (part one of n)
allocate, memory (part 2 of n)
object closure and the negative specification
spamming the world into submission
iraq veterans against the war; guile-vm
dispatch strategies in dynamic languages
((lambda (x) ((compile x) x)) '(lambda (x) ((compile x) x)))
visualizing statistical profiles with chartprof
international lisp conference 2009 -- day one
international lisp conference -- day two
international lisp conference 2009, day three, part 1
hospitalized for approaching perfection
in which our protagonist forgoes modesty
maxwell's equations of software
guile and delimited continuations
ports, weaks, gc, and dark matter
/usr/local, fedora, rpath, foo
storage primitives for the distributed web
value representation in javascript implementations
what does v8 do with that loop?
security implications of jit compilation
guile 2.0.2: building the guildhall
static single assignment for functional programmers
JavaScriptCore, the WebKit JS implementation
fscons 2011: free software, free society
palindromically delimited carnival
an in-depth look at the performance of guile's web server
inline cache applications in scheme
quasiconf 2012: lisp @ froscon
an opinionated guide to scheme implementations
knocking on private back doors with the web browser
closedgl particle simulation in guile
a continuation-passing style intermediate language for guile
compost, a leaf function compiler for guile
revisiting common subexpression elimination in guile
on yakshave, on color, on cosines, on glitchen
there are no good constant-time data structures
two paths, one peak: a view from below on high-performance language implementations
the half strap: self-hosting and guile
talks i would like to give in 2016
a lambda is not (necessarily) a closure
An incomplete history of language facilities for concurrency
instruction explosion in guile
design notes on inline caches in guile
lightweight concurrency in lua
lightening run-time code generation
lessons learned from guile, the ancient & spry
cross-module inlining in guile
blocks and pages and large objects
an optimistic evacuation of my wordhoard
just-in-time code generation within webassembly
we iterate so that you can recurse
i'm throwing ephemeron party & you're invited
three approaches to heap sizing
whippet: towards a new local maximum
whiffle, a purpose-built scheme
tree-shaking, the horticulturally misguided algorithm
scheme modules vs whole-program compilation: fight
on the impossibility of composing finalizers and ffi
copying collectors with block-structured heaps are unreliable
finalizers, guardians, phantom references, et cetera
whippet progress update: funding, features, future
whippet update: faster evacuation, eager sweeping of empty blocks
on taking advantage of ragged stops
conservative gc can be faster than precise gc
whippet progress update: feature-complete!
needed-bits optimizations in guile
preliminary notes on a nofl field-logging barrier
ephemerons vs generations in whippet
an annoying failure mode of copying nurseries
whippet lab notebook: on untagged mallocs
whippet lab notebook: untagged mallocs, bis