posts tagged "igalia" (feed)
value representation in javascript implementations
what does v8 do with that loop?
security implications of jit compilation
static single assignment for functional programmers
a closer look at crankshaft, v8's optimizing compiler
from ssa to native code: v8's lithium language
JavaScriptCore, the WebKit JS implementation
webkittens! lexical scoping is in danger!
javascript eval considered crazy
inside javascriptcore's low-level interpreter
quasiconf 2012: lisp @ froscon
inside full-codegen, v8's baseline compiler
ecmascript generators from a performance perspective
es6 generators and iteration in spidermonkey
optimizing let in spidermonkey
a continuation-passing style intermediate language for guile
es6 generator and array comprehensions in spidermonkey
high-performance packet filtering with pflua
generators in firefox now twenty-two times faster
state of js implementations, 2014 edition
arrow functions coming to chrome 45!
Pfmatch, a packet filtering language embedded in Lua
two paths, one peak: a view from below on high-performance language implementations
the half strap: self-hosting and guile
a lambda is not (necessarily) a closure
a simple (local) solution to the pay gap
encyclopedia snabb and the case of the foreign drivers
an early look at p4 for software networking
notes from the fosdem 2018 networking devroom
design notes on inline caches in guile
lightweight concurrency in lua
heap object representation in spidermonkey
lightening run-time code generation
pictie, my c++-to-webassembly workbench
firefox's low-latency webassembly compiler
multi-value webassembly in firefox: from 1 to n
multi-value webassembly in firefox: a binary interface
understanding webassembly code generation throughput
on "binary security of webassembly"
webassembly: the new kubernetes?
blocks and pages and large objects
an optimistic evacuation of my wordhoard
just-in-time code generation within webassembly
accessing webassembly reference-typed arrays from c++
on "correct and efficient work-stealing for weak memory models"
we iterate so that you can recurse
i'm throwing ephemeron party & you're invited
three approaches to heap sizing
whippet: towards a new local maximum
pre-initialization of garbage-collected webassembly heaps
a world to win: webassembly for the rest of us
structure and interpretation of capacitor programs
structure and interpretation of react native
structure and interpretation of nativescript
structure and interpretation of flutter
structure and interpretation of ark
parallel futures in mobile application development
tree-shaking, the horticulturally misguided algorithm
the last 5 years of V8's garbage collector
v8's precise field-logging remembered set
scheme modules vs whole-program compilation: fight
missing the point of webassembly
partitioning pitfalls for generational collectors
copying collectors with block-structured heaps are unreliable
finalizers, guardians, phantom references, et cetera
whippet progress update: funding, features, future
javascript weakmaps should be iterable
whippet update: faster evacuation, eager sweeping of empty blocks
whippet progress update: feature-complete!
needed-bits optimizations in guile
preliminary notes on a nofl field-logging barrier
ephemerons vs generations in whippet
an annoying failure mode of copying nurseries
baffled by generational garbage collection
tracepoints: gnarly but worth it
whippet lab notebook: on untagged mallocs
whippet lab notebook: untagged mallocs, bis