
Sometimes I give talks. Here are some of them. If you watch them all in order, you can witness myself getting younger and more ignorant.


Scheme + Wasm + GC = MVP: Hoot Scheme-to-Wasm compiler update. Wasm standards group, Munich, 11 Oct 2023. slides

Scheme to Wasm: Use and misuse of the GC proposal. Wasm GC subgroup, 18 Apr 2023. slides

A world to win: WebAssembly for the rest of us. BOB, Berlin, 17 Mar 2023. blog slides youtube

Cross-platform mobile UI: “Compilers, compilers everywhere”. EOSS, Prague, 27 June 2023. slides youtube blog blog blog blog blog blog

CPS Soup: A functional intermediate language. Spritely, remote, 10 May 2023. blog slides

Whippet: A new GC for Guile. FOSDEM, Brussels, 4 Feb 2023. blog event slides


The sticky mark-bit algorithm. Igalia internal training, 7 Oct 2022. slides blog

Stringrefs: Reference-typed strings in WebAssembly. Wasm standards group, 26 April 2022 slides


A walk on the weird side: Opaque WebAssembly values and LLVM. LLVM Developers’ Meeting, 3 Nov 2021 youtube slides

Compiling to WebAssembly: Notes from the trenches. FOSDEM, Brussels, Feb 2021. event slides


Celebrating Guile 3: Lessons Learned from Guile, the Ancient & Spry. FOSDEM, Brussels, Feb 2020. event slides


Faster Programs with Guile 3. FOSDEM, Brussels, 1 Feb 2019. event slides


Self-Hosted Scripting in Guile: Fast Start with ELF and DWARF. MoreVMs 2018, Nice, 8 April 2018 slides

8 things network engineers do with Snabb (lightning talk). RIPE 77, Amsterdam, Oct 2018 blog slides

Snabb: Open source meets dataplane. RIPE 77, Amsterdam, Oct 2018 blog slides


Channels, concurrency, and cores: A story of Concurrent ML. Curry On, Rome, 29 June 2017 youtube slides mp4 webm

Production Snabb: Simple, fast software networking with Snabb., Hobart, 20 January 2017. event blog slides webm mp4


Optimizing with persistent data structures: Adventures in CPS soup. LLVM Cauldron, Hebden Bridge, 6 Sep 2016. youtube slides

Good news, everybody: Understanding Guile 2.2 performance. FOSDEM, Brussels, 31 Jan 2016. event slides

Simple is better: Building fast IPv6 transition mechanisms on Snabb Switch. FOSDEM, Brussels, 31 Jan 2016. event slides

Knit, chisel, hack: Building programs in Guile Scheme. Strange Loop, St Louis, 15 Sep 2016. slides youtube

Spelunking through JPEG with Racket. RacketCon, St Louis, 13 Sep 2016 slides youtube


Pflua: Filtering packets with LuaJIT. FOSDEM, Brussels, 31 Jan 2015 event slides


function*: ES6, generators, and all that. JS Romandie, Geneva, 27 Feb 2014. slides

Rebuilding Guile from the ground up: A preview of Guile 2.2. GNU Hackers Meeting, Garching, 16 Aug 2014. slides

Javascripts in the javascripts. FFConf, Brighton, 7 Nov 2014. blog youtube slides

What can Scheme learn from JavaScript? Scheme Workshop, Washington, 18 Nov 2014. blog slides mp3 ogg vorbis

State of JS Implementations, 2014 Edition. Web Engines Hackfest, A Coruña, 8 Dec 2014. blog slides mp3 ogg vorbis


DIY internet with MinimaLT. JSConf EU, Berlin, 15 Sep 2013. youtube slides


The DFG JIT, inside & out: JavaScriptCore’s optimizing compiler. JSConf EU, Berlin, 7 Oct 2012. youtube slides

Delimited continuations: The bee’s knees. Quasiconf 2012, Cologne, 26 Aug 2012. blog slides

Guile in 2012: Off the cuff. Quasiconf 2012, Cologne, 26 Aug 2012. slides

Old dog, new tricks: A schemer’s guide to JavaScript implementations. Quasiconf 2012, Cologne, 26 Aug 2012 slides

Stranger in these parts: A hired gun in the JS corral. JSConf, Scottsdale, 2 Apr 2012. blog youtube slides mp4


GNU Guile: Free software means of production. FSCONS 2011, Gothenburg, 12 Nov 2011. blog slides

Guile and the web. Barcelona Code Meetup, 25 Apr 2011. slides

The user in the loop: Extensibility, Guile, and GNU. GNU Hackers Meeting 2011, Paris, 25 Apr 2011. blog slides

Dynamic hacking with Guile. FOSDEM, Brussels, 4 Feb 2011. slides


Guile is OK. Scheme and Functional Programming workshop, Montreal, 21 Aug 2010. slides


Guile, GNU, & you. GNU Hackers Meeting, Gothenburg, 13 Nov 2009. slides

Guile’s language tower. International Lisp Conference, Boston, 24 Mar 2009. slides


Fold and XML transformation. Scheme and Functional Programming workshop, Freiburg, 1 Oct 2007. slides