from mod_python import apache import os import os.path import time import urllib import sqlite import Image import EXIF q = urllib.quote_plus BASE_URI=None PHOTOS_RELPATH='' def relurl(url): return BASE_URI + url def html2str(expr): if not isinstance(expr, list): return str(expr) operator = expr[0] args = [html2str(arg) for arg in expr[1:]] return str(operator(args)) def _trans(k): table = {'klass': 'class'} return table.get(k, k) class html: def __getattr__(self, attr): def tag(*targs, **kw): def render(args): return ('<%s%s>%s' % (attr, ''.join([' %s="%s"' % (_trans(k), v) for k, v in kw.items()]), '\n'.join(args), attr)) if targs: return render(targs[0]) else: return render # this only works with python2.4 # tag.__name__ = attr return tag html = html() def recent_tags(): sql = ('select distinct from photo_tags pt, tags t, photos p' ' where and' ' and p.time > %d') cur = cxn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, (int(time.time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 14),)) out = [html.p(id='recenttags')] words = cur.fetchall() if not words: return out out.append('recent photos in ') for word, in words: out.append([html.a(href=(relurl('' + q(word))), style='text-decoration: none'), word]) return out def make_tag_cloud(*containing_tags): sql = ('select, count(pt.photo_id)' ' from photo_tags pt, tags t' ' where') if containing_tags: sql += (' and pt.photo_id in' ' (select distinct pt.photo_id from' ' tags t, photo_tags pt' ' where and (0') for tag in containing_tags: sql += ' or' sql += '))' for tag in containing_tags: sql += ' and!=%s' sql += ' group by order by' cur = cxn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, containing_tags + containing_tags) out = [html.div(id='tagcloud')] words = cur.fetchall() if not words: return out most = max([x[1] for x in words]) thresh = min(int(most * 0.1), 3) for word, count in words: if count < thresh: continue # out.append(' ') would be necessary if we didn't \n out.append([html.a(href=(relurl('' + q(word))), style=('font-size: %fem; text-decoration: none;' % ((count - thresh)/(most - thresh) * 2.0 + 0.8))), word]) return out def display_random_thumbs(n, since=None): out = [html.div(id='randomthumbs')] sql = 'select, oe.thumb_relpath from original_exports oe' args = [] if since: sql += ', photos p where and p.time > %d' args.append(since) sql += ' order by random() limit %d' args.append(n) cur = cxn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, args) for photo_id, thumb_relpath in cur.fetchall(): out.append([html.a(href=(relurl('' % photo_id))), [html.img(src=relurl(PHOTOS_RELPATH + '/' + thumb_relpath))]]) return out def display_thumbs_for_tag(tag): out = [html.div(id='thumbsfortag')] sql = ('select, oe.thumb_relpath from original_exports oe, ' ' tags t, photo_tags pt' ' where and' ' and') cur = cxn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, (tag,)) for photo_id, thumb_relpath in cur.fetchall(): out.append([html.a(href=(relurl('' % (photo_id, q(tag))))), [html.img(src=relurl(PHOTOS_RELPATH + '/' + thumb_relpath))]]) return out def display_tags_for_photo(photo): out = [html.div(id='tagsforphoto', style="text-align: center; margin-top:24px;")] sql = ('select from tags t, photo_tags pt ' ' where and pt.photo_id=%d') cur = cxn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, (photo,)) for tag, in cur.fetchall(): out.append([html.a(href=(relurl('' % q(tag)))), tag]) return out def get_photo_data(path): i =, PHOTOS_RELPATH, path)) ret = {'width': i.size[0], 'height': i.size[1]} return ret def make_navigation_thumb(photo, tag, direction): prev = direction == 'previous' if not tag: return '' sql = ('select, oe.thumb_relpath from original_exports oe, ' ' tags t, photo_tags pt' ' where and' ' and and %s %%d ' ' order by %s limit 1' % (prev and '<' or '>', prev and 'desc' or 'asc')) cur = cxn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, (tag, int(photo))) res = cur.fetchone() if res: return [html.div(klass=(prev and 'prevthumb' or 'nextthumb')), [html.a(href=relurl('' % (res[0], q(tag)))), [html.img(alt="Previous", src=relurl(PHOTOS_RELPATH + '/' + res[1]))], [], prev and 'Previous' or 'Next']] else: return '' def display_exif_info(relpath): f = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), PHOTOS_RELPATH, relpath), 'r') data = EXIF.process_file(f) out = [html.p(klass="exif")] for k, v in (('EXIF DateTimeOriginal', 'Time Taken'), ('Image Make', 'Camera Manufacturer'), ('Image Model', 'Camera Model'), ('EXIF FocalLength', 'Real Focal Length'), ('FIXME what here?', 'Focal Length Relative to 35mm Film'), ('EXIF FNumber', 'F Stop'), ('EXIF ExposureTime', 'Time of Exposure'), ('EXIF Flash', 'Flash')): if k in data: if len(out) > 1: out.append(' | ') out.append([html.span(title=v), str(data[k])]) f.close() return out def display_photo(photo, tag): sql = ('select normal_relpath, mq_relpath, hq_relpath ' 'from original_exports where id=%d') cur = cxn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, (photo,)) try: relpath, mq, hq = cur.fetchone() except TypeError: return [html.p, "No such photo:", str(photo)] data = get_photo_data(relpath) out = [html.div, [html.div(id="image", style=("height: %dpx" % data['height'])), [html.img(id="preview", width=str(data['width']), height=str(data['height']), src=relurl(PHOTOS_RELPATH + '/' + relpath))], make_navigation_thumb(photo, tag, 'previous'), make_navigation_thumb(photo, tag, 'next')], display_tags_for_photo(photo), display_exif_info(relpath), [html.div(id="mqhq"), mq and [html.a(href=relurl(PHOTOS_RELPATH + '/' + mq)), 'MQ'] or '', hq and [html.a(href=relurl(PHOTOS_RELPATH + '/' + hq)), 'HQ'] or '',]] return out def page(body): return [html.html, [html.head, '', '', [html.title, "Photos"], ["icon", href=relurl("stock_camera-16.png"), type="image/png")], ["shortcut icon", href=relurl("favicon.ico"), type="image/x-icon")], ["text/css", rel="stylesheet", href=relurl("inc/styles/dark/dark.css"), title="dark", media="screen")], ["text/css", rel="prefetch alternate stylesheet", href=relurl("inc/styles/classic/classic.css"), title="classic", media="screen")], ["text/css", rel="prefetch alternate stylesheet", href=relurl("inc/styles/gorilla/gorilla.css"), title="gorilla", media="screen")], [html.script(src=relurl("inc/global.js"), type="text/javascript")]], [html.body(onLoad="checkForTheme()"), [html.div(klass="stylenavbar"), [html.div(id="styleshiden", style="display: block;"), [html.p, [html.a(href="javascript:toggle_div('styleshiden');toggle_div('stylesshown');"), 'show styles']]], [html.div(id="stylesshown", style="display: none;"), [html.ul, [, [html.a(href="javascript:setActiveStyleSheet('dark')", title="dark"), 'dark']], [, [html.a(href="javascript:setActiveStyleSheet('classic')", title="classic"), 'classic']], [, [html.a(href="javascript:setActiveStyleSheet('gorilla')", title="gorilla"), 'gorilla']]], [html.p, [html.a(href="javascript:toggle_div('styleshiden');toggle_div('stylesshown');"), 'hide styles']]]], body, [html.div(klass="footer"), 'Copyright © 2006 Andy Wingo', [], 'Generated by a ', [html.a(href=""), 'bastard child'], ' of ', [html.em, [html.a(href=""), 'Original'], 'ver. 3.14159']]]] def index(): return page([html.div(style="text-align: center;"), [html.h1(klass="title"), [html.a(href=relurl('')), 'Photo Gallery']], display_random_thumbs(6), make_tag_cloud(), display_random_thumbs(6, since=(time.time() - 60*60*24*14)), recent_tags()]) def show_tag(tag): return page([html.div, [html.h1(klass="title"), [html.a(href=relurl('')), 'Photo Gallery:', tag]], [html.div(klass="navigation"), [html.a(href=relurl('')), 'Photo Gallery Index'], '>', [html.a(href=relurl(''+q(tag))), tag]], [html.div(style="text-align: center;"), display_thumbs_for_tag(tag), make_tag_cloud(tag)]]) def show_photo(photo, tag): return page([html.div, [html.h1(klass="title"), [html.a(href=relurl('')), 'Photo Gallery']], [html.div(klass="navigation"), [html.a(href=relurl('')), 'Photo Gallery Index'], tag and [html.span, '>', [html.a(href=relurl(''+q(tag))), tag]] or '', [html.span, '>', "Photo %d" % photo]], display_photo(photo, tag)]) def handler(req): global BASE_URI global cxn thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) cxn = sqlite.connect(os.path.join(thisdir, PHOTOS_RELPATH, 'db/photos.db')) if req.method != 'GET': req.allow_methods(('GET',), True) return apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED uri = req.uri path_info = req.path_info try: args = (req.args and dict([x.split('=') for x in (req.args).split('&')]) or {}) for k, v in args.items(): args[k] = urllib.unquote_plus(v) except ValueError: req.write('bad query args: %r' % req.args) return apache.OK if path_info: index_py_uri = uri[:-len(path_info)] else: index_py_uri = uri assert index_py_uri.endswith('') BASE_URI = index_py_uri[:-len('')] req.content_type = 'text/html' req.write('\n') req.write('\n') if path_info: if path_info.startswith('/photos/'): try: photo_id = int(path_info[8:]) except: out = path_info + ' ?? ' else: out = show_photo(photo_id, args.get('tag', None)) elif path_info.startswith('/tags/'): tag = urllib.unquote_plus(path_info[6:]) if tag: out = show_tag(tag) else: out = index() else: out = path_info + ' ? ' else: out = index() req.write(html2str(out)) return apache.OK