Quoth Johnny Rotten: "You're only twenty nine, got a lot to learn". In my case, both conditions hold, and, regarding the latter:

Who knew?
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Quoth Johnny Rotten: "You're only twenty nine, got a lot to learn". In my case, both conditions hold, and, regarding the latter:
Who knew?
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Dude, wtf! WHERE THE FUCK! did you find this?!?! LMFAO!
In the words of Sid Vicious, "I just started jumping around because it was the only thing I knew how to do"
Awesome. I vectorised this image a few days ago for Wikipedia...
... although I haven't understood it either. Might actually be a joke.
That's the steps for East Coast Pogo. West Coast Pogo has an extra shuffle ball change between 2 and 3.