
... mumble mumble no update mumble mumble...


I've been on holiday for the last month. Some of the time was spent in Windhoek, but most was at home doing some work on...


I've been thinking a lot recently about electronic music. After a lot of thinking, a lot of reading, and a lot of poking about on the internet, I eventually remembered Paul Davis talking about supercollider on linux-audio-dev a long time ago. The ideas expressed in that project and the solutions it came up with impressed me quite a bit, so I started toying around with creating an implementation of its ideas using my new guile bindings for gstreamer as a backend. I got out my first little bleeps and bloops, which was immensely satisfying -- three years being in and out of various projects, finally doing the thing that I wanted to from the very beginning. The road to goal completion is a twisted one! For now it's in CVS over at, don't know if it's gettable via pserver or not...

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