myopic ajuntament


Bad days for pedal pushers. First my friend Leif gets in a wreck. (He's fine.) Then I get the message that the shop where I bought my bike is being forced to close:

"Una situació diferent de la del futur hotel de cinc estrelles [al costat], que s'alçarà sobre una llosa que construirà la Generalitat a sobre de l'estació per sostenir el pes de la innovadora estructura de metall i vidre de l'edifici. Amb el turisme no s'hi juga."

Don't mess with Texastourism.


Going aight, trying to tie up loose ends for a Flumotion release -- hopefully will write a bit more about that tomorrow. It's been waaaaaay too long.


The code monkey's guide to cryptographic hashes for content-based addressing, by everyone's favorite hackwriter, Val Henson. The tables are especially amusing.

One response

  1. Rob says:

    Sounds somewhat similar to what happend to me [1]. Other than that I'm recovering from a broken collarbone and possibly chondral damage in the right wrist (MRI tomorrow).

    Best wishes for a swift recovery to your friend!


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